Leadership? – Leader-Shift!
For many years in a row, one management model has replaced the other. From charismatic to situational leadership, employee-oriented styles, transactional and transformational leadership, lateral or servant leadership. In this regard – does it still make sense to speak of leadership?
Isn’t the “ship” about to dissolve and transition into collaboration and self-organisation? This shift is imminent. At first, it requires leadership, then a framework and finally recognition of self-efficacy. A challenging path on which we are happy to accompany you.
Most recent
Workshop „Leading agile“
In this workshop we focus on questions such as how the “Leader” will develop in the future.
How will the role of a leader change? Doesn’t a leader actually make himself superfluous if he or she promotes self-organisation? And what will be left for them to do?
Our role? Enabler. Learning companion.
This month, we’re active in the following fields in “Leader-Shift”