Hero Customer
Creating WOWs!
„Customer centricity” means turning everything upside down. The focus is no longer on your own products, services, process standards and technologies, but on the customer instead. Their actions are determined by needs, wishes and fears. Today, observing, understanding and being empathetic are key requirements when consistently thinking through offers and solutions from the customer’s point of view. And then designing them accordingly. It’s the foundation to create unique experiences and generate WOW-moments. They allow customers to feel like a hero. Isn’t that beautiful? We can make it happen.
Most recent
Customer centricity in luxury retail
In order to identify services for the retail segment of a luxury brand, a selection of employees goes sets out on a customer journey in the role of various personas. At the same time, customer round tables are conducted to identify the wishes and concerns of already existing customers. On this basis, all employees develop ideas together, create prototypes and iterate them with their customers. It is truly amazing what kind of unique solutions are created this way!
Our role? Facilitator.
This month, we’re active in the following fields in “Hero Customer”
Topic storage
What we think
The impact of customer centricity on profitability
What About The Customer - Perspectives 02/15