Mindset first
Stay hungry, stay foolish!
The increasingly disruptive change confronts people and companies with a multitude of current and future challenges. And the dynamics involved continue to increase. In this business area, we are concerned with the basic prerequisites to successfully cope with these challenges. From our point of view, everything starts with an attitude. It is important to actually live mindfulness and to develop a suitable mindset that enables change. We have pioneered in this field and collected insights that we are happy to share with you.
Most recent
Workshop „Me & myself“
In an international leadership and management development programme, the topic “Self-perception and Identity” is a key priority. A separate workshop is dedicated to the topic “Mindset”, during which a set of short, experience-oriented exercises, journaling and tandem reflections enable participants to approach their growth mindset step by step.
Our role? Enabler. Learning companion.
This month, we’re active in the following fields in “Mindset first”
Topic Storage
What we think
- The benefit mindset: The psychology of contribution and everyday leadership
- Applying Authentic Learning through Cultivation of the Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Engineering Classroom
- Creating Entrepreneurship Mindset Based on Culture and Creative Industry in Challenges of The 21st Century Vocational Education
- Theoretical Foundations of Design Thinking
Part I: John E. Arnold’s Creative Thinking Theories